Does this feel like any of you? This feels like me. Juggling. A lot of things right now. All of them good but I am just hoping I do not drop too many balls in the process.
I have had people comment to me in the past that they do not know how I do it all. And to be honest most of the time I have no idea how either, and sometimes I think I do not do it all(balls get dropped) but it all works out, it just does. So I trust in that.
We all get overwhelmed with life and responsibilities sometimes, and I am no exception. The key is to recognize those times and take care of yourself during them. And I have to confess, I'm not the greatest for taking my own advice in that department. I tend to be stubborn and put my head down and try to plow through it. However, I am very very lucky to work with such a talented and caring team and this reminds me (every day!) to take time out for me. I am having a massage tomorrow with Kim and hopefully IET with Sherry on Thursday. Reiki Share Thursday night-I can't wait!! And a GREAT class on the weekend. I do a lot. But I always have and always will. It is the curse of the creative mind. : ) But I'm always going to keep at it because I LOVE what I do and I love all of you and that makes all the difference in the world. Thank you!