Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Juggling Again!

Does this feel like any of you? This feels like me. Juggling. A lot of things right now. All of them good but I am just hoping I do not drop too many balls in the process.
I have had people comment to me in the past that they do not know how I do it all. And to be honest most of the time I have no idea how either, and sometimes I think I do not do it all(balls get dropped) but it all works out, it just does. So I trust in that.
We all get overwhelmed with life and responsibilities sometimes, and I am no exception. The key is to recognize those times and take care of yourself during them. And I have to confess, I'm not the greatest for taking my own advice in that department. I tend to be stubborn and put my head down and try to plow through it. However, I am very very lucky to work with such a talented and caring team and this reminds me (every day!) to take time out for me. I am having a massage tomorrow with Kim and hopefully IET with Sherry on Thursday. Reiki Share Thursday night-I can't wait!! And a GREAT class on the weekend. I do a lot. But I always have and always will. It is the curse of the creative mind. : ) But I'm always going to keep at it because I LOVE what I do and I love all of you and that makes all the difference in the world. Thank you!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to Earth

I'm not 100% back yet and not sure if I want to be. : ) Our trip was such a beautiful and magical experience. We visited so many high frequency sacred sites in such a short time I'm sure all of the other 'pilgrims' are still processing, as I am. I just wanted to share a few pictures of our journey. I will write more about our trip in the next week or so. Many people have expressed interest in going next summer, so I will be putting something together for that as well as a Fall trip to Egypt or India. Stay tuned!

Don Miguel Ruiz about Human Mind

Saturday, May 29, 2010

We've Come A Long Way Baby!

Here are some old pictures from Summer/Fall 2007 of my treatment room and the 'kitchen'.
Sometimes we forget where we've been. I'm so excited planning new projects that I sometimes forget about what has already been accomplished. I had not looked at old photos in a long time and wanted to share. I forgot the long hours of stripping wallpaper, stripping paint, putting the gingerbread back together again, painting etc. It was a long tedious process and I learned a lot.
I think this is a normal human condition to forget a certain amount of our past and look to the future. But today try and remember where you have come from, where you have been, and what you have accomplished so far. This will help inspire you to even larger dreams of your future.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bigger Bowl Required

This is how I've been feeling I need a bigger bowl..or no bowl for that matter but in the case of a fish analogy a bowl with water is a necessary thing. : )
I know a HUGE shift is in the works because I am feeling like I need more space.
So this is exciting. I am just wondering if anyone else out there feels they are moving to a bigger bowl too.
Seems like it is a good time to upgrade, re-organize, reassess, and shift into a brand new expansive reality. I'm not going anywhere- in that I'm staying here and the business is staying here- lol- I'm just talking about growth.
At the centre things are really coming into a nice balance. (We always have a great balance here)but I am talking about some NEW Practitioners & NEW Services.
Acupuncture, Natropathy, and Athletic Therapy(Osteopathy), Bowen Therapy -helping to link us the physical and the energetic. It now feels like a place that offers everything needed, and many options to choose from. And I know I am benefitting from the numerous talented professionals here. And I am not just 'saying' everyone is great because they work here. They really are GREAT. And so I give thanks for being so lucky to spend my days with such a wonderful group of healers. I'm truly blessed. And I hope everyone likes the view from the new bigger is pretty exciting-all of the projects in the works right now.
I hope all of you are taking advantage of this creative energy that is upon us and are creating Wonderful New & Exciting things in your life this Spring. It's the season for Change and Growth!
Make the most of it!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Healthy Eating & Healthy Living Tips From Kim

Kim Keresturi RMT at Circle of Light has posted all of her tips that she has been emailing people over the last few weeks on a Blog. I am so glad because they are wonderful and not everyone knew about her e-mailer as you had to sign up for it. Or if you are like me you misplaced some of them or deleted a few by accident(I have too many inbox folders!)
Now you can access all of this great information for reference in one place.
I am currently in month 2 of my cleanse and feel GREAT! I would have been bored to tears with food choices and would not have stayed as motivated if I hadn't had Kim around to ask for help. She is a wealth of knowledge! Read Kim's Blog HERE

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Infared Sauna ~ Limited Time Offer!

For a limited time, Kim is offering far infra-red sauna sessions with the Sunlight Solo System to help with your spring detoxification plans. 30 minutes inside the solo sauna will have you feeling relaxed yet perspiring profusely. Skip the 8 km full-out run and instead enjoy the detoxifying experience as you meditate or listen to music. Just for a change!
$35 for 30 minutes
The Sauna will be at the centre until May 15th Call 905-689-8100 for more information or to book a session.
Please drink 2-3 glasses of water up to 1 hour before you come in. Bring the largest bath towel that you have, and one small hand towel. Thanks, Kim

For more information & To Book Click Here

Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet Sophie

Whoever said money can't buy happiness certainly did not take into consideration baby animals ~ Especially puppies.
We have a new addition to our family, and it has only been a little over a week, and our lives are completely rearranged for her. Not to mention she won us over in our hearts in the first 5 minutes. My boys are thrilled beyond belief! I am pleasantly surprised at how good she is and (so far)easy to train. She is a Golden Doodle (Retriever/Poodle). I thought a puppy would be much more difficult, but so far so good. : ) Maybe it is in the name.
We named her Sophie. I just found out it means Wisdom. I hope that holds true. LOL
You will probably see her at the centre in the yard now and then. She had a great time tearing up the ivy in the back.
I love how she is a cuddler. And yes, I was cheesy. I bought her a pink collar. But you have to understand I am totally outnumbered with 3 boys. There had to be something pink in our house!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quinoa & Kim's Eating Clean 21 Day Challenge

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I have embarked on a cleansing diet that is very restrictive. But I'm very thankful as it has led me to a grain that I had never tried and I love love love it! Quinoa. Kim is a wealth of information for healthy eating tips and nutrition. I am always asking her questions and I'm so excited she is sharing her wisdom with everyone! This is her weekly e-mail and I decided to post it to share with all of you. : ) If you would like to receive these weekly tips from Kim, you can subscribe by e-mailing her HERE

The next several tips will focus on a few of my favourite nourishing foods as the "Eating Clean 21 day Challenge" begins this Tuesday. ( Conveniently after Easter!)If you'd like more information about starting the class please e-mail me and I can send you the food guidelines.First meeting of the series will start on April 12 @ 7pm and more practical tips to stay on track will be the focus. Quinoa pronounced (keen-wah)If you haven't tried it or you've forgotten about this "grain" , I hope you'll be inspired to stock it in your pantry and give it a try very soon. I love quinoa, it has a slightly nutty, yet mild flavour that tastes great in a seasoned pilafor in a salad. You could also add to soups, stews, casseroles. I haven't tried adding it to cookies yet. It's ready to eat in 15 minutes so is a great alternative to long grain rice. (Just season with a shot of Braggs!)If is actually not a grain since it belongs to the grass family.Botanically it's related to the Chenopodium family, which also includes beets, spinach, lamb's quarters and chard.When you buy the seeds of this plant, and the variety that is most common here is the pale yellowkind, they look like a cross between a sesame seed and millet. Each seed is covered with saponin which is a resin like substance with an extremely bitter taste, some say soapy, which is suppose to protect the grains from birdsand insects. Seeds that we buy have been washed but a residue could still be left, so best to rinse very well before cookingto make it more palatable.They are very interesting looking once they are cooked. "Tiny saturns" with a band partially separated from the seed.I heard Kerri mention how cute they were with their little tails. She had mixed up a salad with just a little lemon juice,olive oil, plenty of garlic and some chopped fresh herbs of parsley, basil and mint. Yummy and fresh tasting.Here is a great link for some recipe ideas; can also be "sprouted" if you are interested.It is a high energy food, gluten free and easy to digest.It has more calcium than milk and has a high quality amount of protein.(20%).A complete protein particularly high in lysine which is great for tissue repair.Good source of iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium , phosphorus and B vitamins. Also, if you know any nursing mothers : it is a powerful stimulant to the flow of milk.Quinoa means "mother" in Quechua Indian ( Andean language ;South America)It was the Mother grain of the Incas.Cook like rice at a 1:2 quinoa to water ratio, for about 15-20 minutes. Will it make it into your weekly line up?
Nutritional info taken from Dianne Onstad's 'Whole Food Companion'

The Power of The Mind

I recently started running again. I used to run all the time, but for whatever reason I stopped. After I stopped I would come up with excuses to not go. My favorite was that I did not have enought time...and this was it was an easy excuse to use.
So I had not gone for a run in over a year.
A few weeks ago I strapped on my running shoes and decided to go. It was my first attempt in a very long time and I expected to do a run/walk combination for a couple of kilometres, seeing as I was so out of shape.
I began the run along my old familiar route. It was gruelling. My body was screaming at me to stop and go for a nice walk instead. But I kept going. I played games with myself I would tell myself 'just get to the tree and then stop and walk..or just to the mailbox and then I'll walk there.'
Before I knew it I had been running for a kilometre. Once I hit the 1.5km mark something happenned. I had quiet. I had space. I started feeling good..really good. My body stopped complaining. My mind stopped trying to talk me out of it. I was free! I kept on going. I fully expected to stop at any time. I was waiting for my body to let me know when that time was...but it kept going. I ended up, to my surprise, running the whole 7km, out of shape, and in good time. How did this happen? Logically it should not have been possible given the shape I was in. But I did it. I did it because my mind knew I had run that route before. It had already conquered it. And wherever the mind goes, the body must follow. This is true in all aspects of our life. If we are not in strong alignment with our goals, we will never achieve them.
I have experienced this recently with the running and with a cleansing diet I am on that requires me to abstain from coffee, sugar, wheat, yeast, gluten, fruit...basically anything tasty. Thankfully it is short term. : ) I had to have my mind in alignment with my goals to make it work. I had tried to cut back on certain things for months to no avail. My point being, I had to get focused and make a decision and once I did, my body followed.
This is true in every situation in life. If you are not seeing the results you would like to see, you need to become strong in your mind, in your focus first. Sometimes we do not see the results in our life simply because what we 'think' we would like..deep down we do not want...therefore our mind cannot be strong with it. You do need to want it, to have that passion, your heart needs to be in alignment with it also.
My challenge to everyone this week is to revisit your goals and get strong with them. Be a warrior. Destroy doubt, destroy excuses, and lack and failure and victimization and get strong and serious with your dreams. These are Your Dreams!!!! If you do not make them happen, no one will do it for you. And always remember, where the mind goes, the body must follow. If your body is not co-operating, you need to tune up that central computer that is running the show (your mind).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowboarding, Fear and The Brain

I was recently on a ski trip with my family and there is nothing like being alone on a snow covered hill to enjoy nature, and be in the moment.

I love snowboarding. I lose time, I learn so much about life, the universe and even myself while boarding and this trip was no exception.
But unlike the last time I went boarding I found myself facing a challenge I was not expecting ~ mind.

I have to back track a bit to explain. I grew up in a family that never downhill skied. I went for the first time in my 20’s and found it difficult. I used to also be terrified of heights and so plummeting down an icy mountain with my boots strapped to planks seemed suicidal.. But I learned. I left those fears behind was eventually confident enough with my snow plow ability to make it down alive.
Fast forward a few years.
After ungracefully disembarking numerous times from numerous chairlifts I decided it would be better for myself and the world at large if I limited the amount of equipment attached to my body. So I made the very smart decision to evolve from 2 narrow skis and 2 poles to one large, wide, board.
Believe made sense at the time.

Weekly Wellness Tips From RMT Kim!

Kim Keresturi RMT has started a Weekly Wellness Tips Emailer. If you would like to subscribe email her Here:

I wanted to share her tip for this week:
Broccoli and brussel sprouts eaten together ; Different phytonutrients in these two cancer fighting vegetables combine to stimulate phase-2 enzymes ( substances known to prevent carcinogens from damaging human DNA). (Based on studies from Karen Collins a nutritonal adviser to the American Institute for Cancer Research. Taken from Brian Clement's Lifeforce)It's amazing to think about the synergies happening in the human body, isn't it?Who really thinks about serving 2 great green health giants at the same meal? Perhaps you will this week!

If you are interested in following Kim's journey for the Feb. detox program, here's the link:

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The sky is falling - NOT! The truth about 2012

The sky is falling - NOT! The truth about 2012 by Amara Rose (for full article)

On November 8th, we enter the next phase of our global evolutionary upgrade, known as the Sixth Night of the Galactic Wave Movement, according to Mayan scholar Carl Johan Calleman. It's a demanding time, and a bit messy, as planetary birth processes tend to be. But is it cause for alarm?

Until recently, comparatively few people were interested in Mayan culture or ancient prophecies. The Mayan Calendar, popularized in the West by authors such as Jose Arguelles (The Mayan Factor), Barbara Hand Clow (The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind) and Carl Calleman (The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness) touched a relatively small audience.With the release of the doomsday movie 2012, however, that's changing dramatically. Now that the end date of the Mayan Calendar — December 21, 2012, on our Gregorian calendar — is a scant three years away, people are beginning to panic. Is the world going to end? Is this like Y2K, only infinitely worse?It depends where we choose to place our focus. Remember that the collapse predicted when the clocks struck midnight on December 31, 1999 never materialized. Our culture thrives on fear, and this latest movie is pure Hollywood, calculated to thrill, chill, and rake in box office profits — not to educate and enlighten. For that, we need to go to the source.The Maya are now sharing their prophecy with the rest of the world in great detail, in an effort to clarify exactly what is happening, and why. One vehicle is the film, Shift of the Ages, which explains what this unique era in human history is all about. The key word here is "era".

This is a global birth process, not an event. We're in the midst of an extraordinary evolution in consciousness. The December "end" date — indeed, the year 2012 itself — are simply markers, signifying the conclusion of a vast cycle of time and transformation. People all over the planet have been awakening in stages for decades.Now, humanity has reached what might be termed an "uncritical mass" of awakened souls, who are helping to guide the shift that's taking place worldwide. Time is actually speeding up as we make these changes, and the acceleration creates all sorts of strange "symptoms", both in our bodies and in the Earth's body. Thus, what one might interpret as catastrophic — earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. — is just Nature's way of cleansing and clearing in preparation for the new, much as many of us are coping with headaches, muscle and joint pain, sleep issues, digestive disturbances, and a host of other weird physical, emotional and mental changes that are part of what a third dimensional human undergoes as we expand into beings of Light. Because that's precisely what is happening.We're moving from water-based to Light-based bodies. It's huge, exciting, scary, and real — and it's happening to everybody, although at different times and in different ways. Imagine how the first amphibious creature must have felt when it crawled onto land and realized it could live in two environments. In essence, that's where we are now.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Special Valentine Offer!

Limited Time Only!
My Mom gave me this song a long time ago on CD and I was listening to it last night and it really is a beautiful song and I wanted to share it with all of you.

'I Hope You Dance' lyrics

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed,

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',

Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance..
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone)

Newsletter is Ready!