Saturday, December 20, 2008

Updates & Happy Holidays!!

Well the newsletter Finally got out and yes I know it is more of a novel. The link is here for those of you wishing to read it
If you wish to subscribe:

LOTS of exciting things in the works. check out the Pay It Forward Link on our site.

I just made lots of recent website updates. I am attempting to streamline the site and make the navigation bar less long, so don't worry, it looks like it is gone, but everything is still there! There is actually more information on the site as there are subheadings now. So some pages may not be fully edited yet but be is going to be much much better!
Now I'm off to a Christmas party. I just dug us out of the mountain of snow. I hope it stays! If we get enough does anyone want to come over to make snowmen? We can have Hot chocolate after!

If I don't touch base with you before Christmas, Have a Wonderful Wonderful Holiday!
Many Blessings to You and Yours,

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