Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowboarding, Fear and The Brain

I was recently on a ski trip with my family and there is nothing like being alone on a snow covered hill to enjoy nature, and be in the moment.

I love snowboarding. I lose time, I learn so much about life, the universe and even myself while boarding and this trip was no exception.
But unlike the last time I went boarding I found myself facing a challenge I was not expecting ~ mind.

I have to back track a bit to explain. I grew up in a family that never downhill skied. I went for the first time in my 20’s and found it difficult. I used to also be terrified of heights and so plummeting down an icy mountain with my boots strapped to planks seemed suicidal.. But I learned. I left those fears behind was eventually confident enough with my snow plow ability to make it down alive.
Fast forward a few years.
After ungracefully disembarking numerous times from numerous chairlifts I decided it would be better for myself and the world at large if I limited the amount of equipment attached to my body. So I made the very smart decision to evolve from 2 narrow skis and 2 poles to one large, wide, board.
Believe made sense at the time.

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