Friday, October 21, 2011


11/11/11 is going to be a very powerful portal of change and growth. To help Align your energy to make the most of this Beautiful Time I am offering a free Distance Healing Session along with my Guides on November 11th 2011 at 11:11pm. While you sleep you will receive healing energy to help you let go of things you no longer need, as well as an activation to help you receive the new energies coming to you.

I will also be sending the attunements for the 5 Lightarian Healing Rays. More Information on the rays can be found HERE

To participate you just need to RSVP yes by e-mailing with YES in the subject line. If you do not want the Lightarian Attunements just let me know in your RSVP, and I will just send the healing energy. (The Lightarian Attunements are wonderful high frequency loving energies-but just in case you do not want them you can opt out of this part of the session.)

To benefit the most from this session please take some time during the days leading up to this event to journal. Make a list of the things in your life you would like some help letting go of. Then make a list of your dreams and goals along with anything you would like to see enter your life.

I will be sending this energy with all of the guides that I work with. Afterwards I will post here any insights or information I may receive during this session.
Many of you are healers as well. If you would like to give as you receive please join me at 11:11pm by sending healing energy to the group. Together we can move mountains!!
I am so excited about this. The last Healing Session was INCREDIBLE. I have had a huge year of expansion and growth, including energy transmissions from sacred sites in Peru. I will be passing this high frequency energies along during the session. My guides have been getting me ready for this for months now. It is going to be Wonderful!
Lots of Love & Big Blessings!

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